Thursday, October 31, 2019

Emotions In the Workplace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Emotions In the Workplace - Essay Example Many employees experience negative emotions because of mental health disorders. â€Å"Symptoms of mental health disorders may be different at work than in other situations† (Harvard University, 2014). A controlling boss can also induce sadness in the employees. It is human nature to want autonomy and freedom. Controlling bosses make the employees feel like they work in a confined space like servants. Employees do not feel respected in such a place and thus become sad. Another very important cause of sadness is workplace accidents because they lower the moral of the employees (Franklin, 2014). Negative emotions disrupt the environment and culture of an organization. Negative emotions foster an unhealthy culture. An individual’s performance at work is just as good as the individual’s feelings about the work. Negative emotions not only affect the person who experiences them first but also others who work with him/her in the same office. Nobody likes working or deali ng with a depressed, sad, or mentally ill

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

It is in description Essay Example for Free

It is in description Essay 1.The Salon was extremely important for artists wanting to establish their reputations. How do artists address that same challenge today? For all its pomp and popularity, the manner in which The Salon aids in establishing artists mainly through the same way that people seek to establish themselves in today’s modern times; finding a means to showcase one’s works to as many people as possible. This was answered by The Salon by providing a grounds that had no parallel in popularity, hence reaching multitudes of audiences at any given year. Nowadays, with the absence of such tightly-knit cultural circles such as those in the visual art field, modern technology allows for artists to reach out and display their works for al to see, in an even more convenient way – through the internet. There are websites that host image displays, allowing artists to create a portfolio that is easily accessible and available at any time at their whims. Given time and popularity, one may even venture out into creating one’s own website for the purpose of galleries and whatnot. 2. How did art reflect the periods preoccupation with science? At the time, architecture was already undergoing a transformation due to the influence of neoclassicism. However the biggest reflection of science in art during this period was the introduction of the Industrial Revolution which took place from the 18th century to the 19th century. This reflected in art pieces and such, showing the change taking place not only in art but in the development of mankind in a way where artists are somehow likened to historians, keeping tabs on the development of man 3. How did revolution influence art in the eighteenth century? What revolutions are influencing art today? Art in the 18th century were influenced deeply by the French Revolution as political and structural change we being implemented left and right. These changes found their way into art as well, for the change in society is often reflected in art through means descriptive of change as well. Not only was it the French Revolution that affected art in this way, but the Industrial Revolution as well. Nowadays, art is being greatly influenced by the digital revolution, wherein visual art is created through computers. 4. Neoclassicism was popular in Europe and the United States. (Just take a look at the government buildings in Washington, D. C.) Why was the style so appealing? What did the builders expect the style to express? Why do we think it represents us? Neoclassicism became very popular in the United States as well as in Europe for the fact that it allows one culture to honor their traditions in architecture, paying proper homage to that which had been developed by their forefathers, meanwhile allowing a bit of leeway enough to alter these traditions in manners unoffensive to the past. May of those who sought to incorporate this style in building were able to do so, honoring traditional values and developing current ones. It is deemed to represent us so aptly as it is important for one people to respect and honor and especially remember their heritage. 1. Technology radically changed 19th century architecture. What are some of the changes that modern technology has brought to architecture? How do those changes make our lives easier? How do those changes make our lives easier? How do they sometimes complicate our lives? With the introduction of innovation, most often the perception of man that has endured for so long – often as long as it took since the last revolutionary technology – takes a drastic overhaul; a major if not total restructuring or reinventing of tried and tested theories as well as practices. The art field is no different. With the introduction of modern techniques, from brushes to pens to digital media, art has undergone many transitions from one media to another, and from one technology to the next. Architecture, for example, has made developmental leaps and bounds through time as proved by the wildly varied architectural styles from different periods. Even as we enter the modern age, architecture continually develops to suit the needs of the current societal trends as well as tastes. Modern technology made it possible for new concepts in architecture to arise such as use of materials that treat the air around it, and conveniences such as with durable materials that remain lightweight yet sturdy. Advancements in modern technology have made it convenient to set into stone concepts that would not have been possible before. However, some of these concepts that up until recently had not been possible also allowed the creation of other architectural experiments that serve no true purpose than to prove its possibility, at the cost of practicality. 2. Why were historical styles popular in the 19th century? What did artists and architects hope to achieve by executing those styles in new materials? From the year 1800 until the end of the century in the coming of the year 1900, many architectural styles had grown in fame as well as practitioners, 19th century Victorian architecture in the land of Glasgow, Scotland, for example, is one of the more popular historical architectural styles of the century. It had reached its climax in popularity during 1817 – 1875 and was used to denote a grand sophistication about the structures at the time. It symbolized the boldness as well as the audacity and wealthiness of the people of Glasgow and even now, with the incorporation of the styles, it showcases the grandeur and bravura and pride within one’s self. 3. Baudelaire urged artists to paint the heroism of modern life. How do painters and sculptors address that challenge today? Why do artists still think its important to do? Charles Baudelaire’s concept of â€Å"The Heroism of Modern Life† was one he so boldly ventured forth in doing as presented in Salon of 1846. Nevertheless, there are still quite many artists who see it fit to tackle such sensitive matters in the way Charles Baudelaire did: blatantly painting a picture of despair and misery, all the time extending the factors of hope and mystery. This is deemed important by many artists of today especially in the trying, troubling times that beplague humanity today to show that no matter what adversity we may face, there will always be hope. 4. When photography was first invented, artists claimed it wasnt art because it was a mechanical process. What inventions are available to create visual images that people do not consider to be art? Why do artists still use them? The classification of photography by most visual art purists as a field unfitting of the term art stem from their perception of visual art as something that has to be rendered solely by the hands of the artist. As such they tend to discriminate against photography, wherein the images captured themselves may have long been around to have not been rendered or created by the photographer. However, the fact that photographers are   able to create visually appealing photographs are often the results of their development of various artistic talents; mastery of composition, knowledge of depths, and a keen eye for that which although seemingly mundane may be captured on film in such a way that exudes aesthetically pleasing qualities, hence should be considered art. In the same sense, these artistic purists also look down upon those who are able to create art through means that may be easily reproduced. Art trades such as the use of typography, mosaics, stencils, and the like are easily dismissed as not art or at least a lower form of it. What is often overlooked with these said fields – including photography – is that the conceptualization alone of these images is already an art in itself, let alone the execution and process of putting these said ideas into visual imagery. Thus artists continue to use these as they do not necessarily hamper ones artistry, but rather opens new opportunities to expand the possibilities of visual creation.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Evaluating The Role And Importance Of Entrepreneurship Commerce Essay

Evaluating The Role And Importance Of Entrepreneurship Commerce Essay Historically, entrepreneurship has been defined as different ways of resource allocation and optimization of organizational processes, always in a creative way in order to lower costs and improve results. Biased, is associated with the term of entrepreneurship to create new businesses, generally small and micro enterprises. Besides that entrepreneurship is linked to risk taking. In Druckers (1986), the entrepreneurial profile involves characteristics as: the search for change, the vision of opportunity, creativity, innovation and acceptance of risks and uncertainties related to business. The association between entrepreneurship and risk tolerance is usually routine. Generally, it is customary to assume that entrepreneurs are more risk tolerant. This was the purpose of analysis in this study, which study the association between level of entrepreneurship of an individual and their level of risk tolerance. This article explores the association between two variables, presented as the level of entrepreneurship of an individual, their level of risk tolerance and risk taking. Defining Entrepreneurship Characteristics or traits According to Drucker, P. (1986 pp. 131) argue that the definition of entrepreneurship in recent years see changes suffered by influences from areas as anthropology, sociology and business strategies to present their theories and assist the creation of new entrepreneurs. The idea and principle that the entrepreneurship process begins in institutions with social and cultural implications. The big question about entrepreneurship is linked in the risk that the entrepreneur runs to develop and implement a new business. There is a correlation in entrepreneurship and the theory of prospect, which deals with behaviour and relation to risk, it is the entrepreneur willing to take financial risk, strategic and operational levels to develop a new business. The issue of entrepreneurship in making decisions in relation to risk was the subject of research by Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, whose results were known by researchers as Prospect Theory. The early study was due to the fact that entrepreneurs behave or have an average performance in accordance with the standard of the average return. The experiments have revealed patterns of behaviour determined by two major human shortcomings: the emotion that inhibits or restricts the self-control essential to the process of decision making, and cognitive difficulties that hinder the full understanding of the problem faced, particularly given the difficult to draw valid generalizations of samples available, which leads to the adoption of more subjective methods, known as degrees of belief. According to Schumpeter, J. (1987) agrees that every entrepreneur has a profile of innovative capacity and acceptance of risk, and also that not all outcomes are successful, and the entrepreneurial function has the responsibility of the relationships between the business and cultural factors that are present in organization. Entrepreneurial culture Burns, P. (2007) reports that since the beginning of the era of entrepreneurship was hoped that the cultural context had a substantial impact on the development of entrepreneurship. The tendency for entrepreneurship differs among societies, because that culture moderates the characteristics of entrepreneurs differ from place to place. As the understanding Burns, P (2007), human beings are not born an entrepreneur, he develops this trait in the environment they live and the environment, both the time and the place is a positive or negative influence of this trend. The entrepreneurial culture is based on the concentration of various forms of entrepreneurship, necessary for the determination of this culture. In the view of Kent, C. (1990), there are several initiatives and forms of entrepreneurship as the entrepreneurial profile, the entrepreneurial management, intrapreneurship, entrepreneurship collective, according to this author, there are entrepreneurial culture requires at least two of these forms. he entrepreneurial culture emphasizes the emergence of new opportunities, the means to capitalize on them and the creation of adequate infrastructure to take advantage of them. The strategy and planning are the foundations of entrepreneurial culture, to reduce uncertainties in the business opportunities, which is consistent with the attitude of the entrepreneur always calculate the risk of premeditated manner. In this sense, one can establish that Entrepreneurship Education is the process that aims at human development in the context of identifying and exploiting opportunities and their subsequent transformation into reality, thus contributing to the generation of financial values, social and cultural society in which the human being is. Through planning and developing strategies and risk measurement and goals. process of entrepreneurship Each entrepreneurial mission is different, some endeavour had success history and other did not. The entrepreneurship venture are the consequence that victory history in entrepreneur way. Nevertheless, the entrepreneurship process should be analyse an global way, since the provides a contents for analyse how entrepreneurship invents new ideas and new ways to provide opportunities and ventures. Furthermore, the procedure of entrepreneurship gives knowledge to mapping and to analyse the innovative actions. According to Wickham, P. ( 2006, pp. 223) affirms that the approach to the entrepreneurial procedure that will be described here is based on four interacting contingencies. The business person is responsible to bring these factors together to create innovation value. The four contingencies factors in the entrepreneurship process are, entrepreneur, opportunity, organisation and resources. Source: Wickham, P. (2006, pp.224): The entrepreneurial process: opportunity, resources and organisation. entrepreneur According to Wickham, P. ( 2006, pp. 209) success is based on the ventures ability to satisfy economic, social and developmental needs. In other words, the entrepreneurial success is consequence of set characteristics of personal skills, knowledge, perception and personality traits that lead to analyse and evaluate the entrepreneurial success. The entrepreneur is a business man who is responsible of entrepreneurial process, in other words, he is charge to manage and lead the organisation objectives. Entrepreneurs are not only those who have ideas, create new products or processes. They are also those who implement, lead teams and sell their ideas. It is difficult to find all these characteristics in one person. Therefore, the identification of each profile is the key, and teamwork can be critical to the success of entrepreneurs within an organization. For example, Steve Jobs is the co-founder of Apple, Pixars former owner and creator of the hottest gadgets of the last 10 years is not only a businessman, but it is undoubtedly one of the most visionary and courageous entrepreneurs who appeared in the business world in recent decades. Opportunity The opportunity is the gap in the market that should be occupied by competitors or suppliers. The opportunity aims the space on the sector or environment market that should be met by entrepreneurs. The main objective of entrepreneur is to scan and observe the available or potential opportunity in the market. The best scenario of achieve the opportunity is the innovation approach that the business man shows to the market. Organisation Searching to serve the innovation to the environment competitive the functions and activities of the employees should be coordinated, this is the propose of the company should deliver. The companies can be changed according the actions and strategies, like, their size, their structure, their research and development area, the core business and culture aspects. According to Wickham, P. (2006, pp 224) agrees that entrepreneurial companies are characterised by leadership, style, behaviour and spirit from their founder. This organisations may have unstructured hierarchy, rules or process, on the other hand this factor can be a strength in the learning process, innovation and development by being active to bring new ideas and approaches to organisation change. In addition, entrepreneurial companies are been set as a network of relationships between employees, suppliers and others stakeholders which are led by the entrepreneur. These relationship connections build a formal and mixed organisation. Some relations are classified by contracts, open markets, formal, informal and long term. In the network study, the company is defined by a nexus of relationships and the level can be complex. This relation provides to the organisations a good opportunity to analyse how they are positioned in the market. Resources The last term in the entrepreneurial process is the resources. This contingency aims to raise capital and resource that is capitalised in the company, such as investors who sponsor their capital, information, skills, know-how, experience and knowledge. This elements that lead to growth can be intangible property, like, consulting, brand, loyalty and customer goodwill can be lead to investment. The main objective of the entrepreneur is to raise capital and investment to the company and focus the investment to increase, build and develop the value proposition deliver to the customer. According to Burns, P. (2007, pp.117) commented that entrepreneurs typically identify opportunity, building and leading the company. Furthermore, entrepreneur attract and mange resources. The entrepreneurs must deliver responsibilities to the employees and the managers may take over the function to manage and bring resources. For example, the production department may take over the functions to attract resources and innovation to develop new products; the sales department may take over the responsibility to bring opportunities on the market. In the way, the entrepreneur becomes business facilitator, advisor and leader of the business. According to Wickham, P. (2006) agrees that there are three main resources avalible to the entrepreneur, such as financial resources, human resources and operating resources. FINANCIAL RESOURCES The financial resource is the source that the entrepreneur raises capital to invest the company. Money is the most common form of the financial resource and can be used to buy other resources. Financial resources are the source for the entrepreneur to invest more money in the organization. The entrepreneur must find a balance between financial gain and also the companys performance and flexibility of resource use. The financial resources that the entrepreneur has access varies according to sector, scenario and strategy also adopted by the organization. HUMAN RESOURCES Human resources are critical success factors in a entrepreneurship venture. They can bring innovation, experience and make up the company. Furthermore, the human resources can provide advantage competitive to the organisation. The employees who make up in the venture offer their labour towards the entrepreneur. OPERATING RESOURCES Operating resources are the materials which contribute and are used by the organisation to deliver and offer outputs to the business environment. The main function of operational resources aims the capacity of the organisation deliver its innovation to the market. Risk and taking decisions According to Knight F. (2002), affirms that uncertainty occurs when the investors are not able to analyse and measure the possibilities and probabilities of different results. The same author agrees that risk is a consequence of the free and conscious decision to expose himself to a situation in which the struggle for the realization of the good with the possibility of injury or loss. According to Knight, F. (2002) states that the prospect of failure and taken as the meaning of risk. And that risk is present in any entrepreneurial process, besides being an inherent situation of decision-making. Furthermore, the risk can be controlled and measured, unlike other elements, such as external factors, environmental and political. The same author defines distinction between risk (when the probability of a result can be given calculated [or is known]) and uncertainty (when the probability Ccan not be determined [or unknown]). This thesis made the insurance industry attractive, and entrepreneurship, in Knights words, tragic. According to Knight, F. (2002) says that every organization faces risk, regardless of size, industry, parents and strategy. And that is not calculated risks may cause loss of investment opportunity, loss of brand image, prejudice and even financial risk of its existence. Analyse and understand the risks that the company may face and essential for growth and development objectives and strategy, moreover, the risk monitoring helps protect your investment. There are four types of business risk, are strategic risk, operational, financial and transfer. Strategic Risk Strategic risk and the most complex type of risk that an organization can face. Strategic risks can be controlled and directed according to the market, competitors, external changes and launch new innovative products that can change the configuration of market competition. Organizations also face strategic risks when considering performance challenges that are outside its control, such as climatic variables, the other environmental factors that provide benefit to the competition. Companies that succeed in having the best ratings and control of strategic risks can identify the greatest threats to their business and financial objectives and therefore assess and identify possible solutions. Operational Risk Operational risks are also important for the performance of the company as it affects the performance and operation of the company. Operational risk can be considered as the risk of loss of processes, people, systems or errors that hurt the performance of the organization. Operational risks as is the case of failures in IT systems, equipment, supply outages and fraudulent behaviour, may have a strong impact on business continuity. The evaluation of operational risk assessment beyond the operational errors, fraud and probability not meet any companys contract. An example of risk-taking operating a new business, customers are increasingly sensitive to quality service delivery. Thus, the entrepreneurship should consider operational risk to maintain service delivery. Financial Risk The financial risk and the risk that consumers do not understand liquidity necessary to meet the expenses and liabilities of the company. Financial risk means the risk of a possible future change in one or more interest rates, prices of financial instruments, commodity prices, exchange rates, indices of prices or rates, credit rating or credit index or other variable, provided that in the case of a non-financial variable, the variable is not specific to one part of the contract. Transfer Risk Risk transfer involves the use of an entity that accepts bear the risks. Risk transfer involves the use of an entity that accepts responsibility for supporting economic damage from a hazard. in exchange for a premium. The insurance came from the need of economic security through a transfer position for someone else, the risks that could affect the assets of individuals, families or a particular community. In a new enterprise making process of risk can lead to transfer of risk by the entrepreneur if the entrepreneur seeks to dilute the risks of the investment, but the transfer of risk generates an additional cost in developing the business. Such as the entrepreneur uses a purchasing insurance coverage or issuing debt. Decisions under certainly The decisions under certainty, occurs when the actual result is always the expected result, for example an entrepreneur seeking an investment that has high chances of success. In this scenario the developer simply chooses the action that will give higher returns and profitability, and the return will be definitely achieved. Within the business world, the decisions under certainty are rare, because currently no investor takes a decision with certainty that it will be successful, there will always be some uncertainty and risk. Decisions under uncertanily Knight F. (2002) argues that uncertainty should be taken as radically distinct from the familiar notion of risk, which have never been properly separated. The term risk is related to a quantity susceptible of measurement, the risk appears as measurable uncertainty, which is different from something not measurable, a fact of uncertainty. The definition of uncertainty used here is not derived from ergot perspective of the world presented by Knight and Keynes at the beginning of last century and is understood as a perceptual phenomenon described as the individual and the perceived ability to predict the occurrence of future events from the study of past events. Decisions under uncertainty, in fact despite the use of the word risk in risk decisions are rare in organizational settings. Why, for instance an entrepreneur can know what may happen, but it can hardly know what may happen in a competitive environment such as the launch of a product or a competitors new strategy. The decisions under uncertainty should seek to maximize returns and reduce risks and losses. Decisions under risk According to Knight, F. (2002) states that every action may involve a series of possible outcomes, each of which may occur as a known probability. In other words, the decision under risk occur on facts that are known but not known whether that will happen. The only thing you can know about the decision under risk and probability of occurrence of the event, and the risk is present only if this probability and known. As an example, the launch of a product can have according to the probability 50% market share in a year. The decision for the entrepreneur will be in or not to launch the product in accordance with the probability study. decisions under ambiguity Decisions on an ambiguous action can be assessed by the manager of consequences that will have if a product is launched. That his trial by the entrepreneur will be made à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹according to the knowledge market and how the competitors and the market were in the past. The decision on this ambiguity between decisions of uncertainty and risk, because there is no chance to learn the result set. decisions under ignorance The decisions under ignorance represent the opposite of decisions under certainty because there is no information about the consequences of the decision, there are odds and also know what can happen. Are decision situations where we can not calculate the probability for different reasons, or where it makes sense to use probabilities. Conclusion During the process of entrepreneurship, the entrepreneur must deal with the business opportunity, with financial sources, operational and human, in addition to the organization seeking a leadership influence. Besides promoting a culture and an innovative and entrepreneurial goals according tracings. The entrepreneurial culture influences and provides a very distinguished contribution in enterprises, companies and groups that cultivate it, since it is a promoter of innovation, making their players better able to compete in a fast-changing and continuous. In addition, the risk-taking is therefore present in the process of entrepreneurship, because every decision to invest and seek new things requires risk taking. For the entrepreneur there are financial risks, transfer of operational and strategic, and the entrepreneur must be aware of and awareness about the consequences and risks of each goals. Decisions are based on previous knowledge of market and competitors, such decisions aimed at seeking further results and development issues for the company. The entrepreneur can make decision about risk, certainty, uncertainty and ambiguity and ignorance. Besides the main factor in the process of entrepreneurship and risk-taking and decisions within the process of developing the business.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Free Essays - Achilles Moral Dilemma in Homers Iliad :: Iliad essays

Achilles' Moral Dilemma in Homer's Iliad The question "was Achilles' anger justified" brings up issues that seem to have little or no relevance to the war. In time of war I would expect the leaders to prioritize the groups interest for the sake of unity and cooperation rather than being entrenched in achieving their own personal goals. But my expectations are those of a modern day literature student, I'm inclined to think that the Greeks who first read this epic valued different things than myself. Another relevant question might be "were Achilles' actions justified". Anger can be easily justified, but the actions that anger might lead you to take are not as easily justified. Again I am not an ancient Greek and my opinions are irrelevant unless I open my mind to different viewpoints. Therefore I am striving to look into this issue through ancient Greek eyes where the principle of sacrificing ones own interests was apparently not valued, but maintaining ones honor, on the other hand, was greatly valued. In the fo llowing paragraphs I will attempt to answer these two aforementioned questions. The facts of this conflict are all pretty straight forward and by recounting the facts I hope to bring to light the truths that justify Achilles' anger. First off Agamemnon had distributed the booty fairly and all the more powerful Achaeans had gotten a concubine, Agamemnon just happened to choose the daughter of one of Apollo's priest. When Apollo sends a plague to the Achaean camp Achilles' concern for his comrades leads him to call an assembly with the purpose of interpreting the plague and taking necessary action. Agamemnon reluctantly agrees to return his concubine to her father if he is repaid another concubine by one of the other powerful Achaeans. At this Achilles stands up for himself and the other Achaeans, he insults Agamemnon by saying that Agamemnon claims his greatness. When Agamemnon takes Achilles' concubine, Achilles probably expected the other Achaeans to stand up for him as he had done for them earlier. But he is left alone. His honor insulted by a man that he had served loyally. Humiliated, by a group of people to whom he owed nothing. A great sense of betrayal overcame Achilles.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Midterm Test Review: History Essay

Early Settlement: Halfway Covenant- A Puritan church document; In 1662, the Halfway Covenant allowed partial membership rights to persons not yet converted into the Puritan church; It lessened the difference between the â€Å"elect† members of the church from the regular members; Women soon made up a larger portion of Puritan congregations. Massachusetts Bay Company-One of the first settlements in New England; established in 1630 and became a major Puritan colony. Became the state of Massachusetts, originally where Boston is located. It was a major trading center, and absorbed the Plymouth community Mayflower Compact- A contract made by the voyagers on the Mayflower agreeing that they would form a simple government where majority ruled. Plymouth Colony- Plymouth was the first permanent European settlement in New England, founded by the Pilgrim Fathers aboard the Mayflower. Puritanism-Belief that Catholic church was completely corrupt and wanted to reform even more. Supported Church of England Road to Revolution: Boston Massacre-a riot in Boston (March 5, 1770) arising from the resentment of Boston colonists toward British troops quartered in the city, in which the troops fired on the mob and killed several persons. Declaratory Act-In 1766, the English Parliament repealed the Stamp Act and at the same time signed the Declaratory Act. This document stated that Parliament had the right â€Å"to bind† the colonies â€Å"in all cases whatsoever.† It is important in history because it stopped the violence and rebellions against the tax on stamps. Also, it restarted trade with England, which had temporarily stopped as a defiant reaction to the Stamp Act. Proclamation of 1763-The Proclamation of 1763 was an English law enacted after gaining territory from the French at the end of the French and Indian War. It forbade the colonists from settling beyond the Appalachian Mountains. The Colonists were no longer proud to be British citizens after the enactment. The Proclamation of 1763 caused the first major revolt against the British. Stamp Act- In 1765 Parliament passed the Stamp Act, requiring the colonists to pay for a stamp to go on many of the documents essential to their lives. These documents included deeds, mortgages, liquor licenses, playing cards, and almanacs. The colonists heartily objected to this direct tax and in protest petitioned the king, formed the Stamp Act Congress, and boycotted English imports. In 1766 Parliament repealed the Stamp Act, a major victory for colonists. Virginia Resolves-These were statements made by Thomas Jefferson (Kentucky) and James Madison (Virginia) rebuking the Alien and Sedition Acts. This was the first expression of the doctrine of nullification. virtual representation-A bringing of an action on behalf of a party or parties unnamed, as in the case of a class action where a number of people have an interest similar to the named party, and upon whom the courtÂ’s judgment will be binding. It is often preferable to have a guardian ad litem appointed to protect the interests of the nonparties. Revolutionary War: Battle of Yorktown-The last battle of the Revolutionary War, fought in 1781 near the seacoast of Virginia. There the British general Lord Cornwallis surrendered his army to General George Washington. Thomas Jefferson- Thomas Jefferson was a member of the House of Burgesses, wrote the Declaration of Independence, was ambassador to France, and was the President of the United States of America. He did all these things before, during, and after the Revolutionary war. With his Declaration of Independence he declared the colonies’ freedom from England. While President, he bought the Louisiana Purchase and had Lewis and Clark to explore it. Under the executive branch of the new constitution, Thomas Jefferson was the Secretary of State. When Alexander Hamilton wanted to create a new national bank, Jefferson adamantly spoke against it. He felt it would violate states rights by causing a huge competitor for the state banks, then causing a federal monopoly. Jefferson’s argument was that since the Constitution did not say Congress could create a bank they should not be given that power. This is the philosophy of strict construction. Thomas Jefferson’s beliefs led to the creation of the political party, Democratic Republicans. Olive Branch Petition- Thomas Paine-Thomas Paine was a passionate and persuasive writer who published the bestseller, Common Sense in 1776. Paine had the radical idea that the colonies should set up America as an independent, democratic, republic away from England. Over 120,000 copies of his book were sold and this helped spark the colonists rebellion later that year. 2nd Continental Congress-The Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia on May 10, 1775. Three delegates added to the Congress were Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and John Hancock. The Congress took on governmental duties. (United all the colonies for the war effort.) They selected George Washington as Commander in Chief. They encouraged the colonies to set themselves up as states. On July 4, 1776 they adopted the Declaration of Independence. The Congress ended March 1, 1781 when a Congress authorized by the Articles of Confederation took over. Constitutional Period: Antifederalists- People against federalists in 1787; disagreed with the Constitution because they believed people’s rights were being taken away without a Bill of Rights; also did not agree with annual elections and the non-existence of God in the government. Articles of Confederation- The first â€Å"constitution† governing the Untied States after the Revolution; it was ratified in 1781 and it provided for a â€Å"firm league of friendship;† the legislative branch (Congress) had no power to regulate commerce or forcibly collect taxes and there was no national executive or judicial branch; it was an important stepping-stone towards the present constitution because without it the states would never have consented to the Constitution. bills of rights- The first ten amendments of the Constitution, the bill of rights was added in 1791 when it was adopted by the necessary number of states. It guarantees such civil liberties as freedom of speech, free press, and freedom of religion. Written by James Madison. US Constitution- The foundation of our country’s national government; was drafted in Philadelphia in 1787; the Constitution establishes a government with direct authority over all citizens, it defines the powers of the national government, and it establishes protection for the rights of states and of every individual. The Federalist-The Federalist was a series of articles written in New York newspapers as a source of propaganda for a stronger central government. The articles, written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison, were a way for the writers to express their belief that it is better to have a stronger central government. The papers turned out to be a penetrating commentary written on the Constitution. Federalists-A United States political party consisting of the more respectable citizens of the time; Federalists lived along the eastern seaboard in the 1790’s; believed in advocating a strong federal government and fought for the adoption of the United States Constitution in 1787-1788. Great Compromise- 1787; This compromise was between the large and small states of the colonies. The Great Compromise resolved that there would be representation by population in the House of Representatives, and equal representation would exist in the Senate. Each state, regardless of size, would have 2 senators. All tax bills and revenues would originate in the House. This compromise combined the needs of both large and small states and formed a fair and sensible resolution to their problems. New Jersey Plan- a plan, unsuccessfully proposed at the Constitutional Convention, providing for a single legislative house with equal representation for each state. Northwest Ordinance-The Northwest Ordinance took place in 1787. They said that sections of land were similar to colonies for a while, and under the control of the Federal Government. Once a territory was inhabited by 60,000 then congress would admit it as a state. The original thirteen colonies were charters. Slavery was prohibited in these Northwest Territories. This plan worked so good it became the model for other frontier areas. Republicanism-The theory of Republicanism was that the government was under the authority of the people it governs. The power in the peoples hand’s is the basis for Democracy. The writers of the constitution used the Republicanism theory. Daniel Shays- Captain Daniel Shays was a radical veteran of the Revolution. He led a rebellion, fittingly named Shays Rebellion. He felt he was fighting against a tyranny. The rebellion was composed of debtors demanding cheap paper money, lighter taxes, and suspension of mortgage foreclosures. He was sentenced to death but was later pardoned. The rebellion in 1786 helped lead to the Constitution and Shay somewhat became one of the Founding Fathers. Three-fifths Compromise-The three-fifths compromise was where a black slave was counted as three-fifths of a person when they were counting the population. The southern states wanted them counted as one whole person for more representatives in the House of Representatives. The northern states did not want them counted at all. Virginia Plan-a plan, unsuccessfully proposed at the Constitutional Convention, providing for a legislature of two houses with proportional representation in each house and executive and judicial branches to be chosen by the legislature. Early US: Louisiana Purchase- In 1803 Thomas Jefferson purchased 828,000 square miles of land for 15 million dollars from Napoleon the leader of France. The land mass stretched from the Gulf of Mexico all the to Rocky Mountains and Canada. The purchase of this land sprouted national pride and ensured expansion. Marbury v Madison- Sec. of State James Madison held up one of John Adams’ â€Å"Midnight Judges† appointments. The appointment was for a Justice of the Peace position for William Marbury. Marbury sued. Fellow Hamiltonian and Chief Justice John Marshall dismissed Marbury’s suit, avoiding a political showdown and magnifying the power of the Court. This case cleared up controversy over who had final say in interpreting the Constitution: the states did not, the Supreme Court did. This is judicial review. Missouri Compromise- Maine as free state, Missouri as slave state, slavery prohibited north of 36 °30’ Sacajawea- Shoshone guide and interpreter who accompanied (1805-1806) the Lewis and Clark expedition. Treaty of Ghent-It was an agreement signed by the Americans and the British that agreed to stop fighting which potentially led to the end of the War of 1812. It was signed before the Battle of New Orleans, but Americans did not learn of the treaty until after the victory at New Orleans. Americans assumed the â€Å"victory† for the war. The British signed quickly because they were more concerned with European affairs. Jackson, Middle 1800s: John C Calhoun-John C. Calhoun was part of the New Southern Congress of 1811. He was a representative for South Carolina and one of the original War Hawks. Calhoun supported the Tariff Bill of 1811 because he thought the bill would lead to manufacturing in the south and cultivation of cotton. He later changed his mind, though, and opposed it because the bill was being used to enrich Northern manufacturers. Lowell Mills- young women employed by Lowell’s textile company, housed in dormitories nullification- The federalist party had passed the alien and sedition acts to regulate the strong opinions of the republicans. These laws violated the freedoms of the first amendment granted to the people, and prosecuted them for speaking out. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison protested the laws by writing the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, which asked the states to declare the laws null. They thought that â€Å"nullification was the rightful remedy†. Virginia and Kentucky were the only states that voted for this nullification, which is to make a law invalid. Second Great Awakening- religious movements, traveling â€Å"meetings,† rise of Baptist and Methodist ministries; Charles G. Finney Worcester v Georgia- Court case:Georgia cannot enforce American laws on Indian tribes. Antebellum US: William Lloyd Garrison- William Lloyd Garrison printed â€Å"The Liberator†, a radical abolition newspaper. Mason-Dixon Line- the boundary between Pennsylvania and Maryland, partly surveyed by Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon between 1763 and 1767, popularly considered before the end of slavery as a line of demarcation between free and slave states. Paternalism- the system, principle, or practice of managing or governing individuals, businesses, nations, etc., in the manner of a father dealing benevolently and often intrusively with his children: The employees objected to the paternalism of the old president. plain folk- white yeoman farmers slave codes-In 1661 a set of â€Å"codes† was made. It denied slaves basic fundamental rights, and gave their owners permission to treat them as they saw fit. Nat Turner- Black priest; led a revolt in Virginia 1831, killed 60 people(mostly women and children). This scared the Southerners because it was the first really violent action of the slaves. As a result slave codes were made stricter. Yeomen- An owner and cultivator of a small farm. Road to Civil War: Bleeding Kansas-Kansas was being disputed for free or slave soil during 1854-1857, by popular sovereignty. In 1857, there were enough free-soilers to overrule the slave-soilers. So many people were feuding that disagreements eventually led to killing in Kansas between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces. John Brown-John Brown was a militant abolitionist that took radical extremes to make his views clear. In May of 1856, Brown led a group of his followers to Pottawattamie Creek and launched a bloody attack against pro-slavery men killing five people. This began violent retaliation against Brown and his followers. This violent attack against slavery helped give Kansas its nick name, â€Å"bleeding Kansas†. Dred Scott decision- Scott was a black slave who had lived with his master for five years in Illinois and Wisconsin territory. He sued for his freedom on the basis of his long residence in free territory. The Dred Scott court decision was handed down by the Supreme Court on March 6,1857. The Supreme Court ruled that Dred Scott was a black slave and not a citizen. Hence, he could not sue in a federal court. Wilmot Proviso-Dispute over whether any Mexican territory that America won during the Mexican War should be free or a slave territory. A representative named David Wilmot introduced an amendment stating that any territory acquired from Mexico would be free. This amendment passed the House twice, but failed to ever pass in Senate. The â€Å"Wilmot Proviso†, as it became known as, became a symbol of how intense dispute over slavery was in the U.S. Reconstruction: Black codes- The Black Codes were laws that were passed in the southern regimes in the south after the Civil War. The laws were designed to regulate the affairs of the freed blacks. They were aimed to ensure a stable labor supply and they sought to restore, as closely as possible, the pre-freedom system of racial relations. They recognized freedom and a few other rights, such as the right to marry, but they still prohibited the right to serve on a jury, or renting or leasing land. No blacks were allowed to vote. They mocked the ideal of freedom and created horrible burdens on the free blacks who were desperately struggling to make it. The north viewed it as re-enslaving the freed slaves. They thought that if this was true then the war was fought in vain. These laws caused Radical Republicans to pass the Civil Rights Act in 1866. Compromise of 1877- During the electoral standoff in 1876 between Hayes (Republican) and Tilde (Democrat). The Compromise of 1877 meant that the Democrats reluctantly agreed that Hayes might take office if he ended reconstruction in the South. Fifteenth Amendment- An incorporation of black suffrage into the federal Constitution. The Amendment was passed in congress in 1869 and was ratified by the required number of states in 1870. Before ratification, Northern states withheld the ballot from the black minorities. The South felt that the Republicans were hypocritical in insisting that blacks in the South should vote. The moderates wanted the southern states back in the Union, and thus free the federal government from direct responsibility for the protection of black rights. The Republicans were afraid that once the states were re-admitted they would amend their constitutions and withdraw the ballot from blacks. The only ironclad safeguard to cease the tension was the Fifteenth Amendment. Andrew Johnson- What: President after Lincoln’s assassination When: 1864-1868( president) Why: † An accidental president† who was an ex-Tennessee Senator. Johnson was Lincoln’s vice-president. He was a Southerner who did not understand the North, a Tennessee who had never been accepted by the Republicans, and a president who had never been elected to the office. Republicans feared that Southerners might join hands with Democrats in the North and win control of Congress. If the South ran Congress blacks might be enslaved once again. To protest blacks, Congress passed the Civil Rights Bill, but Johnson vetoed the Bill. Congress tried to have Johnson impeached. The bill to have him impeached passed in the Senate. The one great achievement that Johnson’s administration committed was the purchase of Alaska. Ku Klux Klan-In 1866, Tennessee formed one of the most notable anti-black groups. They were against any power or rights a black might have. They were violent and often times they killed blacks â€Å"to keep them in their place.† Sharecropping- After the Civil War former landowners â€Å"rented† plots of land to blacks and poor whites in such a way that the renters were always in debt and therefore tied to the land.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Federal Law Enforcement Agencies

Federal Law Enforcement Agencies Federal Law Enforcement Agencies â€Å"There are many important Federal Law Enforcement Agencies in the U. S. but I decided to write about the ones that mostly caught my attention. † * American Correctional Association: The American Correctional Association, also known as ACA, is the oldest and largest international correctional association in the world. It serves all disciplines within the corrections profession and is dedicated to excellence in every aspect of the field.From professional development and certification to standards and accreditation, ACA is your resource and the world-wide authority in corrections. * Central Intelligence Agency: The function of the Central Intelligence Agency is to assist the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency in carrying out the responsibilities. The CIA engages in research, development, and deployment of high-leverage technology for intelligence purposes. As a separate agency, CIA serves as an indepe ndent source of analysis on topics of concern and also works closely with the other organizations in the Intelligence Community to ensure that the intelligence consumer. Department of Justice: The Department of Justice enforces the law. This federal agency defends the interests of the United States according to the law. It ensures public safety against threats foreign and domestic; it provides federal leadership in preventing and controlling crime; it seeks just punishment for those guilty of unlawful behavior; and it ensures fair and impartial administration of justice for all Americans. * Homeland Security: The department of Homeland Security is focused on smart and effective enforcement of U. S. immigration laws streamlining and facilitating the legal immigration process.The department has fundamentally reformed immigration enforcement. It gives priority to the identification and removal of criminal aliens who pose a threat to public safety and targeting employers who knowingly a nd repeatedly break the law. * Drug Enforcement Administration: The mission of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is to enforce the controlled substances laws and regulations of the United States and bring to the criminal and civil justice system of the United States. Those organizations and principal members of organizations, involved in the growing, manufacture, or distribution of controlled substances ppearing in or destined for illicit traffic in the United States will have their consequences. It recommends and supports non-enforcement programs aimed at reducing the availability of illicit controlled substances on the domestic and international markets. References * http://post. ca. gov/federal-law-enforcement-agencies. aspx * https://www. cia. gov/ * http://www. aca. org/ * http://www. justice. gov/about/about. html * http://www. dhs. gov/prevent-terrorism-and-enhance-security * http://www. justice. gov/dea/agency/mission. htm

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

School Leadership That Works From Research To Results

School Leadership That Works From Research To Results Chapter Five Summary The discussion in chapter four brings out the importance of each of the 21 responsibilities individually but says very little to show how they relate to each other. For the relationships to be identified, a factor analysis was conducted based on responses to a questionnaire used to assess the behavior of principals’ in relation to the 21 responsibilities.Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on School Leadership That Works: From Research To Results specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This is the subject matter of this chapter. An important discovery that resulted from the analysis was that two traits; first-order and second-order changes, appeared to underlie the responsibilities (Marzano, Waters, McNulty 2005). First- and Second-Order Change First-order change is incremental in nature and is usually the first option sought after by school leadership when faced with a problem. Its success relie s mainly on past occurrences and the application of fresh ideas is often not an option. To a large extent, it can only prepare an individual for common situations. It is, however, quite challenging to try using this approach on new challenges for which solutions are not readily available. Second-order change on the other hand is radical and for any benefits to be realized, steadfast leadership is a must. It entails conceptualizing a problem differently or adopting a completely new strategy. The Difficulty of the Second-Order Change The adoption of second-order change has failed in a number of occasions and in discouraged innovation in many areas. There is a high tendency for humans to look at nearly all problems as if they were of first-order nature and this is one of the reasons why it has been difficult to advance the use of second-order change. Also, second-order change is to a certain extent unpopular with many as it strongly disregards the status quo which most people are deter mined to maintain. The use of second-order change has also been a dreadful venture for many who may not be ready to accommodate criticisms. One has to be quite resilient to succeed using this form of leadership. Leadership for First-Order Change: Managing the Daily Life of a School The outcome of the factor analysis clearly shows how the 21 responsibilities interact and how they can be applied to achieve change. Involvement in the day-to-day changes in a school will require that all the 21 principal responsibilities to be seen as important although to a varying degree. Despite the fact that the responsibilities are ranked in order of importance, none of them should receive little importance.Advertising Looking for coursework on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The routine business of schooling demands corrections and alterations which, by definition are first order in nature and as such, first-order change is viewed as a by-product of the day-to-day functions of the school. Relating the 21 responsibilities to the first-order change shows that these responsibilities define the standard operating procedures in a school. They are regarded as the management tools of effective school leaders. Leadership for Second-Order Change Unlike first-order, second-order change is linked to 7 of the 21 responsibilities and it presents a dramatic departure from what is anticipated both in stating a problem and providing a solution. The change manifests itself only in the context of a specific issue or problem being solved. Central to second-order change is innovation and just as in the case of first-order change, a leader should not be misguided by the ranking to underrate any of the responsibilities. From the factor analysis, it can also be noted that three of the responsibilities identified as very important to the second-order change are ranked low in terms of relative importance to the first-order change. Some of the 21 Responsibilities mentioned are adversely affected by second-order change. A school leader might have to endure the perception that culture, communication, order and routine, and the level of input have all deteriorated as a result of innovation with culture having the strongest negative relationship to the second-order change. Conclusion The differences noticeable between first- and second-order changes and the regular tendency to look at all changes as first-order provide a good foundation to start digging into the failure of previous innovations. There is a very high possibility that these innovations were second-order changes that were managed as though they were first-order changes and hence the failure. Reference Marzano, R.J., Waters, T., McNulty, B.T. (2005). School Leadership That Works: From Research To Results. Alexandria Va. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on Indian Reservations

Native Americans of Today There’s a small town called Mission, South Dakota, a town on the Rosebud Sioux Tribe Indian Reservation, which is about thirty miles from my hometown of Valentine, Nebraska. A reservation that gives you some shocking scenes as you drive a long highway 83. Many houses that were just built by the federal government are being wrecked, as the Native Americans have no respect for the houses. But, should they have any respect? It was their land that we took away from them and there isn’t much that can be done to replace that. Valentine is your typical small-town Nebraska with its population close to 3000 and 99 percent of that population being white. But the population grows to closer to 4000 around the first of the month when the Native Americans from the north come to town to do their shopping at the local Alco Discount store with the federal money that they receive. They will go on a spending spree with this money for a few days but then most of them are gone. They head back to the reservation, which starts just nine miles north of Valentine, in a car over loaded and tail pipe dragging on the asphalt. Most won’t return for more than two weeks and maybe longer if that car (referred to by many white people as a res bomb) breaks down on the way back. Well even though the economy of my small hometown wouldn’t survive without these monthly trips by the Native Americans most business people don’t really like doing business with the natives. Most would say that they are dirty and they don’t want them hanging around the store. The storeowners are afraid of theft or vandalism, which probably occurs. But it probably occurs just as much among the white people. It’s just another stereotype that whites make of people with different skin color. Most of the Native Americans come to town as a family. They just don’t come as an immediate family. There may be aunts and uncles, grandparents ... Free Essays on Indian Reservations Free Essays on Indian Reservations Native Americans of Today There’s a small town called Mission, South Dakota, a town on the Rosebud Sioux Tribe Indian Reservation, which is about thirty miles from my hometown of Valentine, Nebraska. A reservation that gives you some shocking scenes as you drive a long highway 83. Many houses that were just built by the federal government are being wrecked, as the Native Americans have no respect for the houses. But, should they have any respect? It was their land that we took away from them and there isn’t much that can be done to replace that. Valentine is your typical small-town Nebraska with its population close to 3000 and 99 percent of that population being white. But the population grows to closer to 4000 around the first of the month when the Native Americans from the north come to town to do their shopping at the local Alco Discount store with the federal money that they receive. They will go on a spending spree with this money for a few days but then most of them are gone. They head back to the reservation, which starts just nine miles north of Valentine, in a car over loaded and tail pipe dragging on the asphalt. Most won’t return for more than two weeks and maybe longer if that car (referred to by many white people as a res bomb) breaks down on the way back. Well even though the economy of my small hometown wouldn’t survive without these monthly trips by the Native Americans most business people don’t really like doing business with the natives. Most would say that they are dirty and they don’t want them hanging around the store. The storeowners are afraid of theft or vandalism, which probably occurs. But it probably occurs just as much among the white people. It’s just another stereotype that whites make of people with different skin color. Most of the Native Americans come to town as a family. They just don’t come as an immediate family. There may be aunts and uncles, grandparents ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

20th century poetry Essay Example for Free

20th century poetry Essay ? We have been giving to 20th century poems to examine. They are â€Å"Evans† by R. S Thomas and â€Å"Death in Leamington† by Sir John Betjeman. Both poems are about death, but in two very different situations. I will examine the poem Evans first of all. Evans was written by a man called R. S Thomas. He lived from 1913-2000. he was born in Cardiff. He became a clergyman and taught himself welsh so he could work with the people in the hills, because not many of them spoke English at this time. Evans is a 20th Century poem. The poem begins as if the writer is talking to somebody else. It looks like the other person has asked him something like, â€Å"Do you remember a man Evans? † and the writer replies, â€Å"yes, many a time. † The first verse of the poem describes Evans’ house. It talks about the â€Å"bare† stairs and the â€Å"gaunt† kitchen. We can depict from the first verse that Evans was a poor man, his house is not at all well furbished, and he doesn’t have much to his name. Everything that Evans owns has a dull, dreary adjective attached to it, like stark farm and black kettle. His kitchen must be filthy because crickets can be heard. The last line of this verse tells us that he lives on a lone farm upon a hill. From this verse we have found out that this man is poor, lonely and doesn’t really care much about what his house looks like. The 2nd verse tells us that something appals the speaker. He says that it isn’t the darkness around him, which seems to fill his mouth and that it isn’t the tree that the rain drips off. I think the tree is symbolism, because the speaker says, â€Å"of rain like blood form that one tree, weather tortured. † I think he is really describing Evans appearance. The speaker says that it’s the veins of Evans. He sees darkness in them, and that it is â€Å"silting† them. Silt is the thick sandy substance at the bottom of rivers. I think it means that the darkness is trapped in Evans’ veins and that it is slowly killing him. The writer says, â€Å"I left stranded upon the vast and lonely shore of his bleak bed. † The writer believes that he has failed is his job, which is to comfort the sick if they are going to die. The writer feels that he is inadequate and that he hasn’t done what he wanted to. Again we see another dreary adjective attached to one of Evans possessions, his bleak bed. The word lonely is used again here. The writer wants to get the point across that Evans has no one, no family or friends to comfort him, that is why the writer feels so bad that he cant do this for him. This poem is about the bad way to die, all on your own and no one to comfort you. The next poem, Death in Leamington, is about the other way to pass on. Death in Leamington was written by Sir John Betjeman. Poets of his day liked to write poems making fun of the middle class people. The first verse tells us that someone has died, and that it is a woman. It has happened in the late evening. She has died in her bedroom. The room has a plate glass window, which means this place wherever she was staying must has been pretty well off. The second verse gives us a little more insight to the woman. She owned a crochet, which means she must have been quite old. It lay beside her bed, which means she can’t have been too old because she was still able to walk. Again the writer tells us that she is dead. 20th century poetry. (2017, Oct 29).

Friday, October 18, 2019

Strategic Management of the Next PLC Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Strategic Management of the Next PLC - Coursework Example The present study would focus on Next as a UK based retailer offering exciting, beautifully designed, excellent quality fashion and accessories for men, women and children together with a full range of homewares. Analyzing the 2010 and 2009 financial reports of Next PLC it shows that the firm has been earning constant revenue and accordingly the profit for both the years has also increased by almost 21%. Accordingly, the firm has also increased its basic and diluted earnings per share. The basic earnings per share in 2009 and 2010 were 156 and 188.5 pound per share. In 2010, the total assets of the firm stood at 1693.5 while in 2009, the total assets of the firm stood at 1760.4. In 2010, the total liabilities of the firm stood at 1560.1 while in 2009 the total liabilities were 1619.9. The total assets of the firm decreased by 3.8% in 2010 as compared to 2009; similarly the total liabilities also decreased by 3.8%. Next is a UK retailer whose principal activities are excellent quality clothing and home products. â€Å"The primary financial objective of the group remains the delivery of sustainable long term growth in earnings per share†. The industries in which Next plc competes are mainly the departmental stores, the retail sector, the shoe and the apparel industry. While next plc has a number of competitors, its main competitors are Arcadia Group, ASDA group, Body shop, Marks & Spencer Plc etc. Arcadia group has more than 2540 stores operating only in the UK. The one year growth of the firm as on August 2010 has been around 33% while the increase in net profits has been around 11%. Body shop PLC has also declared 44.9% of its profits as dividend in the year 2010 while in the year 2009, 43.9% has been declared as dividends. Comparing the two years 2009 and 2010, body shop’s assets and liabilities had grown by around 3.2% in 2010 as compared to 2009. Recommendations: Among its competitors Next Plc has suffered negative profits in the year 2010 as c ompared to the year 2009 but yet Next Plc has an established market in comparison to its competitors. â€Å"The Internal Analysis of strengths and weaknesses focuses on internal factors that give an organization certain advantages and disadvantages in meeting the needs of its target market† (Internal Analysis 2010). The firm is recommended to increase its profits through increasing its sales. External analysis Rivalry (Existing Firms): There is no such rivalry between existing firms other than capturing the market share. External analysis consist of the Porters five forces in analyzing the firm which include the firm’s rivalry between the existing firms, the firm’s bargaining power among its suppliers, buyers. The threat of new entrants into the market and the threat of the product diversity are also included in Porter’s five forces. â€Å"The industry forces take the form of competitive rivalry, barriers to entry, threat of substitutes, buyer power, and supplier power† (Lynch 2003). Bargaining Power of Suppliers: â€Å"Supplier power is increased if there is a high degree of rivalry between companies trying to obtain the supplies† (Porters Five Forces n.d.). The firm has a number of suppliers and in 2009 – 10 there were 463 suppliers while in 2010-2011 the supplier base has increased to 492. Next works directly with it suppliers and monitors the supplier’s progress. The firm uses six tier rating system as a supplier management tool. Bargaining power of buyers Next Plc’s buyers are its retail customers. Next provides excellent customer service and lays high importance in maintaining good relation and

Human Genetic Diversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Human Genetic Diversity - Essay Example There are several stages of Meiosis. First one is prophase where homologous chromosomes start pairing and form synapses. Second stage is Metaphase where these pairs are situated on Metaphase plate. There are equal chances of receiving mother's or father's homologue for each chromosome. Independent assortment is a process where 2n daughter cells (combinations) is generated having maternal and paternal homologous pairs of chromosomes, where n being haploid number of the organism. In the case of humans, the haploid number (n) in the formula is 23. Thus, there is 223 (about 8 million) number of combination of maternal and paternal chromosomes possible. Crossing over is the process which happens in previous stage of prophase. In this process homologous chromosomes are paired together loosely along their length, resulting in generation of point of contact which is used for exchange of genetic information. This produces various combinations of maternal and paternal genes. Number of cross over events depends on size of chromosomes and position of their centromeres. In case of humans it is one to three on an average Fertilization is the process in which different gametes fuse together and form new organism of same spices.

Starting up a business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Starting up a business - Essay Example This report proposes a business plan for starting-up of a business of computer sales and services in the national market of UK. The main aim of the business will be to attract customers by providing quality services as per the need and demand of the customers along with delivering latest computer technology spare-parts to deliver the customers with quality assistance. Undoubtedly, the task of rendering computer sales and services to a diverse client base as can be observed in the current demographic features of UK, will be a tricky strategic initiation. Further reports have also revealed a fall in the selling prices and a consequence fall in the profit margin enjoyed by organisations in the computer sales and service marketing industry. Apparently this indicates towards an increasingly challenging market structure owing to which the planned business will have to be quite focused with respect to quality and customer services through effective supply chain management. For instance, whe re on one hand the resource requirement can be observed as low during the time of initiation as no requirement of large sophisticated office spaces and other obligatory assets will be required apart from skilled human resources; on the other hand, over the long run, significant costs for availing innovative technology assistances and increasing the dais for serving the customers may be incurred and thus, the business might require continuous inflow of cash and apparently at an increasing rate for its continuation. (Curators of the University of Missouri, 2010). Notably, the business is planned to be instigated as a sole-proprietorship based small business concern which will have minimum responsibilities in terms of legal obligations and therefore, will have to witness minimum intervention from external parties. 1.2. Aim of the study Setting-up of a business is often signified as a complex procedure which requires considerable knowledge base of the entrepreneur which can only be suff iced with ample information related with the motive obtainable through a formal research process (Bergstrom, 2012). Based on this notion, this particular study will aim at: Identifying the business opportunities, market competition trends and required resources to instigate the business Devising proper marketing strategies for the targeted potential customers Forecasting the capital requirements and costs to be incurred during the instigation of the business and within a one year financial period Concluding if the business plan is viable and should be proceeded with on the basis of the obtained information and forecast reports 2.0. Literature Review Business start-ups are considered as a significant contributor towards the economic development process owing to which, governmental bodies have been observed to decipher a supportive approach to assist the small and medium sized business organisations. It is worth mentioning in this context that majority of the economic structure of UK constitute of small and medium sized organisations and set-up firms which have further created a substantial pressure to facilitate this particular dimension with ample scope for future development (European Union, 2011). In the similar context, Mahdjoubi (2004) affirmed that business plan is considered to be the important source of evidences required for decisions in investment screening. Scholars have provided various frameworks to structure the process of setting-up of an organisation which is often characterised as a complex phenomenon. As stated by Carter &

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Text, Image, Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Text, Image, Culture - Essay Example Most of the consumers buy televisions to satisfy their need of being connected to the world. Before, small television sets already satisfied this need. However, when the big televisions were introduced, the society began to change their through of being duly satisfied. It came to be that bigger televisions would bring about better self satisfaction level for many consumers. Besides convenience, they are satisfied by the fact that they are able to benefit from the best and most recent innovations of technology, which makes them a part of a modern society. Psychologically, being able to get along with the society is a great benefit in terms of self-satisfaction matters of an individual. Usually, owning large-sized televisions suggest extravagance and luxury. This fact then adds up to the social status of an individual who has the capability to purchase the said type of televisions. Normally, a person who owns a television set that is of a large-size is usually identified as someone who has a better social status than that of the others who own smaller television types. Yes, owning a large television also identifies the financial capability of the consumer. As known to many, large televisions cost higher than that of the smaller ones. This is mainly because of the features that it posses and the elements of entertainment that it offers its viewers. Aside from this, the marketing strategy of the said types of television sets suggest that if consumers buy them, they are to be considered "cool" by the society. As a result, many consumers who buy the said device have the same idealism as they take ownership of the television. On Personal Companionship Many among those who purchase large sized television would want to fulfill their need of having a personal companion. Psychologically, this may be termed as a personal need of having someone or something to fill the void of companionship within a person. More than just the idea of relaxation that the television provides, for many introvert persons who would rather stay at home than mingle with other outside, televisions serves as a personal companion. The certainties of the fulfillment of the said television regarding the said need could be seen in the actual provisions of the television of bringing the world to the house of the television viewer or owner. On Advertising Matters and Social Culture In a world of numerous products offered by different manufacturing companies, advertising strategies used by the business establishments could be both appealing and blinding to the eyes of the consumers. Why is this so This is due to the fact that marketing

Applying innovation idea of Grameen Phone(Grameen Bank Project) in the Research Paper

Applying innovation idea of Grameen Phone(Grameen Bank Project) in the new geographical location (Perhaps Kazakhstan) - Research Paper Example An exhaustive analysis of this business model shows that among the superfluity of explanations, three essentials are generally notable: The product or service anticipated for the clienteles. The manner in which the company is structured so as to provide this product and service to its clients. The profits concept. Social businesses could be viewed as a detachment of social private enterprise, which comprises both profit and non-profit ingenuities, and which could be notable from conservative entrepreneurship. Therefore, a social business is a novel formula of business that could be positioned anywhere between a profit-making and a non-profit-making business enterprise.2 In the year1996, in partnership with other three overseas enterprises, the Grameen Bank formed a mobile phone firm, the Grameen Phone, to spread telephone facilities through Bangladesh. Without any land-line facility in most of the Bangladeshi villages, mobile phone know-how was vital to usher the country into the ele ctronic communication age. By thought-provoking the conventional knowledge and rules of business, Grameen Phone had opened a novel market. In relation to the Grameen Phone innovation policy, its application in Kazakhstan would indeed be a real benefit when considering that the country has some imbalances in terms of poverty levels. It would allow most of the poor or middle class persons to access loans that would enable them change their financial stature. Precedencies for the innovation strategy are all hypothetically. To achieve long-standing strategic policies and innovation methods defies the distinctive focus that deals with developing a suitable environment to let the mechanisms of the Grameen Phone innovation policy. The worldwide practice demonstrates that a country: in this case Kazakhstan, with a market economy can collaborate with the private segment stakeholders in essential alterations in the economy.3 A good example of this case scenario is that of the current China wh ich also follows the innovation policy of teamwork with the private sector in scheming strategic innovation and industrial development ways. 1) Investment co-ordination- Like in most parts of Kazakhstan, the unfledged markets are not in a position to evaluate the demand for new improved quality services and 4products to be manufactured through development of the production channels. This investment innovation co-ordination model policy recommends certain dimensions at both the state and private establishments. 2) Business collaboration development ingenuities. Hands-on state business collaboration strategy could be unswervingly targeted to reinforce business contacts in the following groupings: Particular groups of investors formulate innovative market areas and are an indicator on information on invention criteria. Purveyors of equipment permit production involvement alongside it. Purveyors of inputs add to generation of new innovative ideas and invention approaches while consideri ng challengers as a rich basis for new concepts.5 Countries with unfledged market may require a facilitator to stimulate the snowballing market allowance and business collaboration procedures. Founded on the global experience, the approach implementation ought to put emphasis at initiatives pursuing investments synchronization and expansion of business collabor

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Starting up a business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Starting up a business - Essay Example This report proposes a business plan for starting-up of a business of computer sales and services in the national market of UK. The main aim of the business will be to attract customers by providing quality services as per the need and demand of the customers along with delivering latest computer technology spare-parts to deliver the customers with quality assistance. Undoubtedly, the task of rendering computer sales and services to a diverse client base as can be observed in the current demographic features of UK, will be a tricky strategic initiation. Further reports have also revealed a fall in the selling prices and a consequence fall in the profit margin enjoyed by organisations in the computer sales and service marketing industry. Apparently this indicates towards an increasingly challenging market structure owing to which the planned business will have to be quite focused with respect to quality and customer services through effective supply chain management. For instance, whe re on one hand the resource requirement can be observed as low during the time of initiation as no requirement of large sophisticated office spaces and other obligatory assets will be required apart from skilled human resources; on the other hand, over the long run, significant costs for availing innovative technology assistances and increasing the dais for serving the customers may be incurred and thus, the business might require continuous inflow of cash and apparently at an increasing rate for its continuation. (Curators of the University of Missouri, 2010). Notably, the business is planned to be instigated as a sole-proprietorship based small business concern which will have minimum responsibilities in terms of legal obligations and therefore, will have to witness minimum intervention from external parties. 1.2. Aim of the study Setting-up of a business is often signified as a complex procedure which requires considerable knowledge base of the entrepreneur which can only be suff iced with ample information related with the motive obtainable through a formal research process (Bergstrom, 2012). Based on this notion, this particular study will aim at: Identifying the business opportunities, market competition trends and required resources to instigate the business Devising proper marketing strategies for the targeted potential customers Forecasting the capital requirements and costs to be incurred during the instigation of the business and within a one year financial period Concluding if the business plan is viable and should be proceeded with on the basis of the obtained information and forecast reports 2.0. Literature Review Business start-ups are considered as a significant contributor towards the economic development process owing to which, governmental bodies have been observed to decipher a supportive approach to assist the small and medium sized business organisations. It is worth mentioning in this context that majority of the economic structure of UK constitute of small and medium sized organisations and set-up firms which have further created a substantial pressure to facilitate this particular dimension with ample scope for future development (European Union, 2011). In the similar context, Mahdjoubi (2004) affirmed that business plan is considered to be the important source of evidences required for decisions in investment screening. Scholars have provided various frameworks to structure the process of setting-up of an organisation which is often characterised as a complex phenomenon. As stated by Carter &

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Applying innovation idea of Grameen Phone(Grameen Bank Project) in the Research Paper

Applying innovation idea of Grameen Phone(Grameen Bank Project) in the new geographical location (Perhaps Kazakhstan) - Research Paper Example An exhaustive analysis of this business model shows that among the superfluity of explanations, three essentials are generally notable: The product or service anticipated for the clienteles. The manner in which the company is structured so as to provide this product and service to its clients. The profits concept. Social businesses could be viewed as a detachment of social private enterprise, which comprises both profit and non-profit ingenuities, and which could be notable from conservative entrepreneurship. Therefore, a social business is a novel formula of business that could be positioned anywhere between a profit-making and a non-profit-making business enterprise.2 In the year1996, in partnership with other three overseas enterprises, the Grameen Bank formed a mobile phone firm, the Grameen Phone, to spread telephone facilities through Bangladesh. Without any land-line facility in most of the Bangladeshi villages, mobile phone know-how was vital to usher the country into the ele ctronic communication age. By thought-provoking the conventional knowledge and rules of business, Grameen Phone had opened a novel market. In relation to the Grameen Phone innovation policy, its application in Kazakhstan would indeed be a real benefit when considering that the country has some imbalances in terms of poverty levels. It would allow most of the poor or middle class persons to access loans that would enable them change their financial stature. Precedencies for the innovation strategy are all hypothetically. To achieve long-standing strategic policies and innovation methods defies the distinctive focus that deals with developing a suitable environment to let the mechanisms of the Grameen Phone innovation policy. The worldwide practice demonstrates that a country: in this case Kazakhstan, with a market economy can collaborate with the private segment stakeholders in essential alterations in the economy.3 A good example of this case scenario is that of the current China wh ich also follows the innovation policy of teamwork with the private sector in scheming strategic innovation and industrial development ways. 1) Investment co-ordination- Like in most parts of Kazakhstan, the unfledged markets are not in a position to evaluate the demand for new improved quality services and 4products to be manufactured through development of the production channels. This investment innovation co-ordination model policy recommends certain dimensions at both the state and private establishments. 2) Business collaboration development ingenuities. Hands-on state business collaboration strategy could be unswervingly targeted to reinforce business contacts in the following groupings: Particular groups of investors formulate innovative market areas and are an indicator on information on invention criteria. Purveyors of equipment permit production involvement alongside it. Purveyors of inputs add to generation of new innovative ideas and invention approaches while consideri ng challengers as a rich basis for new concepts.5 Countries with unfledged market may require a facilitator to stimulate the snowballing market allowance and business collaboration procedures. Founded on the global experience, the approach implementation ought to put emphasis at initiatives pursuing investments synchronization and expansion of business collabor

School of Management and Economics Essay Example for Free

School of Management and Economics Essay During this work, we experienced how to manage the relationships within our work group in order to be efficient. Trust and collaboration have been the prerequisites for the formation of this team. We considered this bachelor thesis as an ongoing process, where all the parts of the paper have been rewritten many times. This work enables us to see marketing from a new perspective, more complex, maybe closer to the reality of companies. We would like to thank the managers from L’Orà ©al, Edouard Laclavià ¨re, Valentin Guillois, the manager located in Honk Hong, Ivan Coste-Manià ¨re, Iku, Aico, Mayumi, Ying, Sun-Young, Ahra and Katrin that dedicated time to answer to our questions. We are grateful to all these persons as they made the writing of this thesis possible. We would like to thank our tutor, Christine Lundberg that helped us finding our way in this process by providing us with good advice. We would like to thank also Marie Thuriot and Isabelle Petit, from IPAG, Nice, who answered from France to our emails and helped us in our researches orienting us to the right websites and to the right persons. Finally, we would like to thank our friends and relatives for their support, comprehension and criticism. Và ¤xjà ¶, May 25th 2006 Emilie, Lauranne and Tytti EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Bachelor thesis in Economics at Và ¤xjà ¶ University, 2006 Authors: Lauranne Fina, Tytti Luc and Emilie Venezia Examiner: Jerzy Kociatkiewicz Tutor: Christine Lundberg Title: The Role of Cultural Differences in the Product and Promotion Adaptation Strategy: A L’Orà ©al Paris Case Study Introduction: Nowadays, firms are becoming more and more global. However, are consumers becoming global too? Therefore, the challenge for the firms consists in determining if they should adapt their products or if they should consider the consumers as being global, and keep their product standardized. The purpose of this paper is to investigate adaptation strategy in South Korea, Japan and People’s Republic of China (PRC) for make-up products and its promotion considering the influence of culture on the consumer behaviour. This is studied referring to the European market. L’Orà ©al Paris is used as an example to illustrate the study. Methodology: This study is a case study about L’Orà ©al Paris. To conduct it, we chose to use qualitative interviews and document analysis. Different kinds of interviews have been done in order to know more about the company adaptation strategy, the culture and the consumer behaviour in Asia. Written sources as external documents from L’Orà ©al Paris, websites, press articles, scientific articles and literature have been used to complete the primary data. Theoretical framework: Culture is a system of meanings shared by members of a group. It is an important part of marketing because it influences the consumers’ wants and needs and because it impacts on the interpretations of products’ communication. This demonstrates that the culture impacts consumer behaviour. The study of the consumer behaviour conducts companies to adapt their products features, their packaging, their symbolic attributes, their service attributes and their promotion. Empirical data: The empirical data comes from various sources. We interviewed three managers from L’Orà ©al Paris and as well girls from the following nationalities: three Japanese girls, one Chinese girl and two Korean girls. We also interviewed a specialist of cosmetics. All these interviews were conducted in order to answer our objectives. The interviews with the Asian girls and with the specialist of cosmetics were conducted in order to collect data on the culture and on the consumer behaviour. The interviews with the managers of L’Orà ©al Paris were conducted in order to collect data on their adaptation and standardization strategies on the studied markets. Analysis: Cultural aspects impact directly or indirectly on the consumer behaviour. The culture diversity creates the consumer behaviour diversity as it can be noticed in South Korea, Japan and PRC where the culture and the behaviours are very different than in Europe. L’Orà ©al Paris is trying to know more about these consumer behaviour differences in order to answer the consumers’ demands and to adapt its products and promotion strategy. Conclusion: L’Orà ©al Paris is adapting some elements of its product range and its promotion. The three countries studied are very different culturally speaking. However, the adaptations on products and promotion made by L’Orà ©al Paris do not take fully into account these cultural and consumer behaviour differences. Moreover, many promotion and products aspects are standardized. Thus, the L’Orà ©al Paris adaptation strategy in the Asian zone is a mix between standardization and adaptation. In its adaptation strategy, the firm considers some elements of the consumer behaviour therefore of the culture. To conclude, the cultural differences may influence the make-up products and promotion adaptation strategy.

Monday, October 14, 2019

A Teachers Self Reflection

A Teachers Self Reflection There are some careers that I will never be good at. For example, I could never be a doctor, or an accountant. And dont you dare try to get me a job as a farmer or a factory worker. However, there has been one career that has always had my attention, and the older I get, the more I realized I was made to be a part of that profession. I first decided I wanted to be a teacher when I was six years old. This might be a little too young to really choose a career, but I realize now that Ive never lost my passion for teaching. After doing the Strengths Quest activity for class, I was a bit confused on the strengths that showed up at the end. When the two classes got together to discuss what they all meant, I got the same feedback for all of my strengths, This is a strength that most good teachers possess. Some people think it is silly that a simple test you can take in 30 minutes could help you decide what you want to do for the rest of your life, but according to the millions of schools th at use the Strengths Quest to help students decide on a major, it is far from foolish to believe that 30 minutes can help you get started on the rest of your life. Futuristic When I first got my results, it was hard to figure out how having Futuristic as a strength would benefit me in my choice to become a teacher. Why would I need to be futuristic when I have already reached my goal of becoming an educator? After a lot of thinking, and reading about this strength a few times, I realized that being futuristic didnt just mean looking into my future with great detail, but helping others take a glimpse into their future, and helping them reach the goals they wish to achieve. Its easy to convince others that anything is possible, when I truly believe that. In the past, there isnt really a time when I could say that having this strength has hurt me, other than the fact that people may tend to think that I am foolish for being so optimistic in my aspirations. Looking into the future and knowing what I want has only helped me become more focused on getting where I want to be. It keeps me from straying from my goals, and helps me make smarter decisions when it comes to other aspects of my life such as my friends and free time. Consistency Consistency could be my most important strength when it comes to being a teacher. It basically says that everything needs to be fair. I dont like when people are favored for any type of reason. It also says that a person with this strength treats everyone equally by having clear rules and applying them consistently. This is obviously a trait that all teachers should possess. Im sure weve all had at least one teacher in our lives that had her favorite student. And not only do you grow to hate that teacher, but you hate that favorite student even more. It is hard to learn values such as playing fair, and treating others equally when the person teaching you to do so, doesnt practice it themselves. Growing up, having this strength actually hurt me in as many ways as it helped me. When I was younger I always had so much jealousy when someone was favored over me, or got more attention. I grew out of this, but I remember that sometimes I would actually lose friends because of those tendencies. I know now that it was silly to be jealous of someone for something so little, and now I know to just look past it, and that you cant be EVERYONES favorite. Now, I use this trait in a positive way. For example, when I see that someone is being favored over someone else, or is getting all the attention, I also make it a point to approach that person and make sure that they get a little attention as well. I think everyone deserves to feel admired, so I do what I can to make them feel important. A teacher should always adopt a fair attitude, when it comes to making any form of evaluations. He should be fair to his profession and assess students on their performance, instead of personal rapports and likings (Greer, 2004). This was in an article written about a study that was held at The University of Memphis. The study was about the qualities students want to see most in a teacher. This was second or third on the list. Great teachers have clear, written-out objectives. Effective teachers have lesson plans that give students a clear idea of what they will be learning, what the assignments are and what the grading policy is. Assignments have learning goals and give students ample opportunity to practice new skills. The teacher is consistent in grading and returns work in a timely manner (McEwan, 1999). This is another source that explains the importance of being fair. Being fair and consistent is always important, but when it comes to educating our youth, it is something that s hould be stressed. Woo Woo stands for Winning Other Over. This is a strength that I knew I had before I even participated in the StrengthsQuest activity. In the theme description, it talks about how people with this strength love meeting new people. They dont believe in strangers, just friends they havent met yet. If there was one strength that I would have to choose over all the others, it would be this one. This is also a very important trait that you can have when you are trying to become a teacher. First of all, you meet new kids every year. This means tons of names, faces and attitudes to remember. Secondly, in the description, it talks about how you have to work the room. When youre in the classroom, all of the attention is going to be on you, and what youre doing/saying. There are ups and downs to having this as a trait. Its great sometimes because I always meet new people and make new friends, but it can sometimes give people the impression that I have shallow friendships and dont have any deep connection with others. However, as youll find out later, I have no problems forming strong connections with people that I care about. Input This strength confused me the most, only because I didnt fully understand what it meant. After reading over it a couple of times, I started to see how it really described me pretty well. It talks about how people with this strength are always collecting things. This doesnt just mean material things. You can collect things you cant see as well, such as words, facts, etc. Im an avid reader, and enjoy reading as many books as possible. Other than reading non-stop, I like to learn random facts. There is something about knowing things a normal person wouldnt that really interests me. Its like when youre searching for something on Google, and you dont see what youre looking for, but you found something pretty cool, which lead to another pointless website and so on. This could come in handy when you are teaching because not only can you educate your students on little facts they may not know, but you can help trigger their curiosity and maybe have them reading book after book, or looking up how much a penguin weighs, just because they wanted to know. There are some downfalls to having this as a trait. For those who like to collect material things, it could lead to clutter and make it even more difficult to throw things out since you have so many. Other than that, I think that this trait is harmless. I think its a unique trait and that more people should enjoy collecting random facts and words. Relator As my last strength, I got Relator. This basically means that I enjoy making strong connections with people, and hold my true friends close to my heart. I always want to know more about the ones that I am close to. I want to know their goals, fears, dream, etc. This can be both beneficial and hurtful for teachers. It is good to get to know your students so that they trust you, and what you are teaching them. You want them to enjoy coming to school every day and you hope they look forward to seeing you. Unfortunately, this can be painful to you as a teacher because you make such great connections with the children, and then at the end of the school year, that may be the last time you ever see them, and you have to start the whole process over the next year. This is a risk that relators have to take. They have to risk getting hurt by those that they care about in order to really get the deep connection they are looking for. Always wanting to form close relationships with people has actually helped and hurt my ambitions. Knowing that I will have to meet new kids every year makes me shy away from becoming a teacher. However, I have always wanted to become the teacher that everyone remembers. I know how powerful teachers can be, and I want to have an impact, even if its just on one person. I want to be remembered in a positive person that helped someone shape their life, or help them decide on the person they wanted to be. Information cant be transmitted without a solid connection, and neither can knowledge. You need to form a connection with each and every student (Unknown, 2008). Creating that special bond with your students, and knowing who they are as a person really helps you to educate them they way you should. It is hard to teach a stranger something they dont really want to know in the first place. Conclusion There are definitely some flaws I will have as a teacher; however, I think that my strengths will help me become the teacher I would like to be. Everyone goes through stages where they just have no idea what they want to be when they grow up, fortunately, thanks to the StrengthsQuest activity, its a little easier for me to see that I was born to teach.